BKV Submits to the AIA Flint 2022 Design Competition
In July 2022, the AIA Flint 2022 Design Competition challenged design firms to submit a concept to transform the City of Flint Municipal Center Campus, and develop the site into a vibrant, mixed-use, and walkable community that will spur greater public use and bring further investment to the downtown area. BKV Group’s submission – “The Path to Our Future Runs Through Our History” – focuses on the concept of paths and gateways to invite and welcome residents and visitors into a multi-use, live-work-play hub for the city.
AIA Flint Competition Intent
AIA Flint asked participants to propose a design solution that they think makes the best use of the site to accommodate the design requirements, whether that is through renovation of the existing buildings or redevelopment of the entire campus. The competition’s purpose is to recognize the potential that unique and creative ideas could bring to the Downtown Flint area, and provide a creative visual expression to achieve a state-of-the-art experience for the future.

Proposed Design Strategy
Sometimes, the future needs to set its own course: the revitalized Flint Center draws on history while setting bold new paths – an approach grounded on the notion of invitation, connection, and resilience. Intentional material choices become a narrative between past, present, and future; anchoring paths extend beyond the site, through the existing and new buildings, to intersections of activity, community, and collaboration. The site’s barriers are both eroded and reinforced: it becomes a safe place of possibility. Residents and visitors are invited to explore and grow together, with buildings and landscapes of curiosity and invention.
Growth & Healing
Cultivating a strong connection between the City and the heart of the site: material counterpoints invite exploration.
A path for contemplation: a route accessible to all is a journey to see the historic buildings and municipal government in a new light, a reminder that the City’s spirit lives within and outside the walls of government.

Industry & Innovation
Cutting across the grain of the site: an active hand outstretched to Downtown, inviting everyone into the site.
A material representation of perseverance: from the Welcome Center, down into the site where opportunity awaits, up into the tower for a bird’s eye view, and into the Incubator, where new ideas rise from unexpected collaborations.

Culture & Expression
Drawing the threads of the site together: from new multi-family residential through an all-season Market and across to the Event Center.
This path honors the current citizens of Flint with programs that speak to the common spirit: adaptable, resilient, vibrant. A place for celebration and community.

Proposed Site Strategy

A Path to the Future
The Flint Center Incubator is home to emerging businesses: a place for collaborative development, cultivation, and exploration. This home of Flint’s possibility lies on the Steel Path, linking the City’s automotive history to its bright future.

Stay Tuned
The submissions will be reviewed and the results announced during a public ceremony to take place at the “Greater Flint Arts Council” located at 816 Saginaw St, Flint, MI on August 12th, 2022. The winning submissions will remain on display until September 2nd, 2022.