The Voice of Interns 2023
On National Intern Day, BKV would like to give our 2023 intern class a celebratory shout-out and thanks for their terrific contributions this summer! Here’s what they had to say about their experience.
Interior Designer / Student
Henley Godnai
Working at BKV Group in the Minneapolis office has been a blast! It is a fast-paced work environment that continuously reminds me that things will change every 10 minutes. So far, I have enjoyed working on a multi-family housing project and a student housing project. I have learned many new things from different phases of the design process that I had never thought about before. Going on my first install was an eye-opening experience and taught me how important it is to coordinate with everyone who is a part of that project. From the art installers to the engineers, we all play important roles in creating a beautiful and holistic design for the end users. I can’t thank my co-workers in the interiors group enough for their kindness and willingness to help me and answer my questions at any point in the day.

Marketing Intern
Megan Steuart
I am grateful for the opportunity to intern in marketing at BKV this summer! Everyone I have met has been so kind and helpful in guiding me. It has been so fun to learn about all the incredible projects BKV has worked on. I have been able to assist in the sharing of these projects with a wider audience through a map project and working in the firm’s digital asset management system. Also through working here, I have gained experience using various software programs that will prove to be very useful in my future career. My passion for sustainability is something that drew me to BKV, and I am excited to be learning from BKV’s Director of Sustainable Design, Rachelle Schoessler Lynn, this summer about the importance BKV places on utilizing sustainable materials that are both healthy for people and the planet. Together with her, I worked on a research project which will showcase BKV’s dedication to leaving an architectural legacy that is in harmony with the environment.

Architectural Designer
Leah Olson
My experience interning at BKV Group this summer has been great! Throughout the last year and half at BKV Group I’ve felt myself grow in technical skills and project knowledge. I’m grateful for the people I have been able to work with who have helped me grow during my time here. From consistently asking Charles simple Revit questions last summer on Largo, to now being able to show others Revit tricks has been very fulfilling. Through the people I’ve met and the skills I’ve learned through them, I have really enjoyed my time at BKV Group so far, and I can’t wait to see what else I can accomplish in the future here!