Le Sueur County Justice Center
BKV Group designed a new justice facility, including courthouse, sheriff’s office, jail, 911 center, and emergency operations center for Le Sueur County.Read More
The new Wright County Justice Center is co-located with the existing Law Enforcement Center and jail for secure inmate transfer to courts. The modern 155,000 sf facility includes 9 technologically advanced courtrooms with a Mass Calendar Court, a Multi-Party / Family Court, an In-Custody Courtroom, and a Grand Jury Court.
Departments accommodated include Court Administration, Court Services / Probation, a Law Library, County Attorney and space for Jury Assembly.
The central holding portions of the project include multiple group holding cells and a raised control station, secure vertical circulation via inmate elevators and holding spaces between each pair of courtrooms.
A direct corridor connection to the jail allows secure inmate transfer completely separated from staff or public areas and multiple secure visitation spaces allow inmates to meet with their attorneys without either exiting the secure perimeter. Security stations for bailiffs and full weapons screening for the public also help ensure a safe environment in the Justice Center.
With full security screening for the building, direct secure holding access to all 9 courtrooms and secure staff circulation, the Wright County Courthouse is a model for secure courthouse design concepts while also showcasing timeless contemporary design, current initiatives for access to natural light, and thoughtful spaces for staff collaboration.