Edina City Hall & Police Station
Combined city hall and police station facility located on a prominent, community-centered site.Read More
The St. Cloud Police Station negotiates between two competing objectives: to perform as a dynamic civic building incorporating public and community activities; and, as a controlled, secure environment for public safety officers to conduct business. The “public” building is built from the ground up with the programmatic stacking uniquely “pinned” together with light lanterns, allowing for dialogue to occur between the two functions.
The exterior façade includes custom cast bricks, and a continuous linear clerestory links the internal spaces with light and serves as a reassuring twenty-four hour lantern of police presence in the community.
The two- and one-half story structure houses space for administration, professional standards, training, patrol, K-9, police reserves, crime prevention, investigations, forensics, records, lockers, fitness, communications, public meeting rooms, evidence, vehicle exam, gang and drug unit, community crime impact team, SERT, and other program and support spaces. A lower parking level provides 210 secured spaces for officers and employees as well as squad car parking.